This is a brief summary of how HPB delivers its holiday benefits. To understand it fully, including how its over 1,500 properties cater for all types of holidaymaker and the extra Holiday Points free holiday opportunities and other offers available, you should find out more so that we can explain just how HPB can provide wonderful holidays for life.
How much you should invest depends on your circumstances – in particular your holiday requirements and preferences. HPB's system is designed to be highly flexible and one of our representatives can explain it fully. Each £1 of your initial payment adds one Holiday Point to the allocation of Holiday Points that you receive every year for as long as you hold your bond.
The minimum initial payment to become a Bondholder is just £5,000 but the more you invest the more Holiday Points and holiday opportunities you will have. Many new investors make a higher payment based on their holiday aspirations, some make smaller payments to try out the Bond and then go on to "top up" to increase their holiday benefits.
To understand fully how HPB works and to decide on an appropriate level of investment, please book a Private Tour at an HPB holiday location or book a Personal Presentation at hotel near you. Or call free on 0800 230 0391 to arrange for a representative to meet you at a place of your choosing.
As we have already said this is a brief summary. To understand HPB fully and all its potential advantages, please contact us.