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Activities and fun for the whole family

Pitching up in Portugal

The winter was fast approaching, the evenings drawing in. Time to consider an autumnal retreat to warmer climes with a round or four of golf added for good measure.

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The Scenic Route to Stigliano

The summer has been great in many ways – but the British weather has been inconsistent. That’s why this year, our thoughts are turning to where to go to grab a bit of early autumn sun.

Hear what Bondholders have to say

That was the year that was…

Bondholders John and Judith Heath enjoy holidays for all seasons, thanks to HPB

Hear what Bondholders have to say

My amazing week in Madeira

You’re never too young or old to enjoy an HPB holiday. Here, 12-year-old Ellie Stroud, whose parents are Bondholders, writes about her favourite HPB holiday so far.

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Constant Delight

Here Jonathan Broom describes how his trip to Constant became a journey of discovery through one of the most beautiful regions of France.

Get around and about the sites

Art of the matter

Siena has art and architecture, history, culture and cuisine to rival any in nearby Florence. And HPB’s holiday homes at Stigliano are well placed for visiting Siena.

Get around and about the sites

The Spanish isles are just waiting for you

With the UK summer but a memory, now is surely a time for Bondholders to consider flying south – to one of the Bond’s Spanish island resorts.