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Hear what Bondholders have to say

Customer care is the ‘HPB extra’

On two recent HPB holidays, Bondholders Hugh and Kathleen Hackett really discovered what HPB’s ethic of service and customer care really means.

Activities and fun for the whole family

Voies Vertes around the Manoir

As Bondholders John and Judith Heath discovered, getting on their bikes added a welcome new dimension to their holiday...

Get around and about the sites

The greener the better

It’s fair to say that the Holiday Property Bond did not come into the world bristling with eco-credentials; 1983 was a very different time, after all.

Get around and about the sites

The Spanish isles are just waiting for you

With the UK summer but a memory, now is surely a time for Bondholders to consider flying south – to one of the Bond’s Spanish island resorts.