Tub thumping for HPB

Tub thumping for HPB

“Alan and Janet Blair are very good friends of ours. Alan is a very enthusiastic kind of guy – he used to be chief executive of Wessex Heartbeat, and is now a keen member of our local Probus Club. We were chatting one day about club business, whether I could make such-and-such a date, and I told him I’d be on holiday that week. He commented – a tad enviously I felt – that Jennifer and I were always away; and when you look at the fact that we’ve taken an average of four HPB holidays a year, I suppose he wasn’t wrong! Anyway, we got talking about HPB and I put them in touch. Alan and Janet went along for a site visit – and the next thing we knew they’d joined the HPB family.”

HPB rewards Bondholders for referrals, but that, says Keith, is not the point. I am so convinced that HPB is worthwhile, to so many people, that I need no encouragement to ‘thump the HPB tub’!”

Keith and Jennifer are very active in their local area – and it was Keith’s involvement with the Lyndhurst Probus Club in Dorset that led to at least one of his friends becoming a Bondholder in turn – a process that HPB calls “referrals”.

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